And the living is easy! Fish are jumping, and the cotton is high!" --Chances are, if you didn't spend a lot of time with your grandma, born in the late 20's, then you don't know that song! Every summer, it's one of the first things that come to my mind.
School is out! O-U-T! OUT! OUT! OUT! I feel pretty confident that we've never looked forward to summer vacation as much as we have this year. Oh, it feels so good!
Around the BE, it's been pretty mellow(go ahead... act completely shocked!) We've had a few Queens Diamond Jubilee festivals and celebrations. I'm pretty sure the kiddo is one of the few(if not only) American boys that has earned a Queen's Diamond Jubilee badge. This will be his last week of scouts as we will be going on holiday to the US next week. Last week they had bicycle safety class and inspection, followed by a bike ride around the headquarters.
The girl and boy scouts rode together on this ride.
Around here, nothing stops for rain and thunder!
Scouts Queen's Diamond Jubilee patch
Afternoon at the British Fete. RAF vs. Royal Navy. Royal Navy ate a bit of dirt.
This is why you don't drink and drive... Or in this case... Drink and not put on your parking break! Only in Belgium does the federal police leave the car in the road with a "memo" on the windshield!
Last weekend was the football tournament. The kiddos team came in second. He played very well. Of course, it's eat and breath nothing but football now. We'll be back from the US just in time for him to attend a summer football clinic. Here, they play year round.
Representing England |
Not thrilled about 2nd place. He wanted the gold. |